

Education is an important medium of knowledge production and dissemination.For the Modern Chinese literature,the evolvement of middle school Chinese education is an important field of modern literature knowledge production and dissemination.Education system from the late qing dynasty to the early period of The Republic of China shows the appeal of new knowledge.During the evolution of the vernacular,the education objective is consistent with the enlightenment of literature,and provides the basis for the Modern Chinese literature.Hu shi and others focused on the knowledge production and dissemination of education function,they made the combination between the national language movement and the new literature movement.In education practice,the Modern Chinese literature has been the Chinese materials by the way of the Chinese education,and completed the identity transformation of knowledge before the 1927.Atthesametime,the Modern Chinese literature had the legal status of knowledge and took over the authority of knowledge production space,then it started the knowledge production and dissemination of its own.In the teaching practice,around skills teaching and the thought education goal,the knowledge of the Modern Chinese literature has been the new knowledge identity through teaching material selection,lectures and writing practice.In the period of teaching,the part of the Modern Chinese literature gradually obtained the classic.But,in different stage,affected by social and political culture,the Modern Chinese literature’s space,structure and concept also changed.Before 1927and after 1927,in the middle school Chinese education,the Modern Chinese literatur was facing the different cultural context on the knowledge production.The former is closely linked with the spirit of the May fourth new culture movement;the latter is closely related to the cultural rule of the Kuomintang.These two exert heavy influence upon the knowledge production of the new literature in the middle school teaching.In way of knowledge production,selection of teaching materials and classroom teaching are the important ways of knowledge production of the Modern Chinese literatur.The writing practice deepens the interpretation of the literary works in the high school.These cultivated the students’new literary consciousness and their new literature imagination, and also cultivated the newborn power for new literature.In addition,as social powers,the high school Chinese extracurricular reading materials and publishing institutions of the Modern Chinese literatur expand the spread of the new literature,and promote to form a new literature consciousness.As the medium of literary knowledge identity conversion and production,the middle school Chinese education has the characteristic of the public literary sphere in the respect of spreading and production of the new culture.Within the public literary sphere,the new literature,new culture and new education interact with each other,which have embodied the inner logic between the identity transformation and the knowledge production of the new literature.

Key words:Chinese education;The Modern Chinese literatur;Identity transformation;Knowledge production;Classic;Literature’s public domain