2.Literature Review
China has made some research on tourist image and national image. Mr. Liao Sishun held that tourists’ uncivilized behaviors have not only shown personal image,but also brought damage to others,public space and the environment in Research on Tourists’ Uncivilized Behaviors.
Mr. Zhang Yesui held in the article Don’t Lose “Face” in The Travel[3]that,negative influence(damage)of Chinese tourists’uncivilized behaviors at abroad is mainly shown in four ways:firstly,it brings an antipathy of the people in other countries towards Chinese people and effects our country’s national image and “soft power”; secondly,it brings potential negative influence to the life and development space of our enterprises,expatriates and overseas students settling in relevant countries; thirdly,some outbound tourists’ uncivilized behaviors and excessive right protection are in breach of local laws and has brought unnecessary troubles and losses to themselves; fourthly,our outbound tourists’ group events such as travel disputes are spread and speculated one-sided at abroad through such channels as Twitter and this has influenced the image of the Party and the government and brought pressure to over seas embassy.
Rich,generous,display of wealth and crazy shopping-this is the impression which Chinese tourists have given to people at abroad. The image of Chinese tourists at abroad is not proportional to their money. Other people know the great nation through tourists’words and deeds.
Mr. Yang Lei also mentioned in Analysis to Influence of Tourist Image to China’s Public Diplomacy[4]in 2014 that,image crisis is existed among Chinese tourists and Chinese people’s indecent behaviors have reduced Chinese people’s overall image and credibility of public diplomacy.
Thailand’s research to Chinese tourists includes,อัจฉรา สมบัติน้นทนา’s research to factors effecting Chinese tourists’ selection of destination and Chinese tourists’ travel consumption hobbies in Behaviors of Chinese Tourists to Thailand[5]in 2012.Thai scholar นางกรวรรณ สังขกร made the research on Chinese tourists’ travel behaviors in Chiang Mai in New Generation of Chinese Tourists—Taking Chinese Tourists to Chiang Mai As An Example[6]in2013.
นางศรีสุดา วนภิญโญศักดิ์ made the research on the influence of Chinese tourists to Thai society and countermeasures which Thai society has taken concerning Chinese tourists’ problems in The Influence of Increase in The Number of Chinese Tourists To Thai Society[7]. It’s acknowledged in the research that Thailand is lack of the experience in accepting plenty of Chinese Tourists. A few of Chinese tourists’ uncivilized behaviors has resulted in Thai society’s prejudice to the image of Chinese tourists through amplification effect by the media.
But there is no special research on the image of Chinese tourists up to now in Thailand. Meanwhile the research on the relation between tourist image and national image is still short.
On the whole,Thailand and China’s research to Chinese tourists to Thailand mainly focuses on tourists’motives,behavior decision,consumption behavior,tourist satisfaction and so on currently. There is relevant articles on Chinese tourists’ image,but there is no special research on the image of Chinese tourists who go to Thailand for travel yet. Thailand is the most popular tourist destination in ASEAN and Chinese tourists bring important influence to Thai tourist market,even Thai society. Therefore,this text play an active role in enriching the research in this field.