| 推荐序:谈判是一种思考模式,而不是对话方式
“Win Less – Get More” brings to you the essential of negotiations from a new perspective. The interdependence of business – due to globalization and accelerating specialization implies that in today’s world, no business stands on its own. Hence, the skills of negotiations have become key for developing any business. Through eight chapters, the book opens the mind of the prospective negotiator. In a very clear and concise manner, the basics and more advanced features of negotiations are presented. Importance is given to the sustainability of your future business relations – you may think that you need to win your negotiation, but unless you have a strategy assuring a ‘win-win’ situation for both parties – you will not be able to maintain your business in the long run.
How to deal with your emotional settings and how to develop your skills Those aspects and many more are covered by this excellent book, filling an essential gap in for business life. In particular, the uncertainness of the world business life that is at the foundation of every negotiation. There is no single or correct outcome – one has to access. The author introduces the concept of his Alma Mater, ‘Science and Art’ – as a motto for negotiation. It is a science when you opt for that approach, but it also relies on your personal skills – your art, and both can be acquired and developed. The book is complemented with illustrative examples. ‘Negotiations is a way of thinking, not talking.’ I want to give the best remarks to this outstanding book – a must for anyone who is serious about improving her/his business career.
—— 瑞典皇家理工学院前副校长拉蒙·维斯(Ramon A Wyss)