What this book covers
Chapter 1, What is qooxdoo?, helps the developer to get an overview of the qooxdoo framework, to get to know what the framework provides, to know the architecture of the qooxdoo framework, and to get a feel of the RIA developed in qooxdoo.
Chapter 2, Say Hello to qooxdoo World!, guides the developer in setting up the development environment for the qooxdoo framework, to understand the communication with the server, and to set up one of the RPC servers that comes as a contribution project.
Chapter 3, Core Programming Concepts, explains the core programming concepts of qooxdoo. This chapter is a very important chapter as it explains the implementation syntax of basic object-oriented concepts such as class, interface, and so on. This chapter will help the developer to construct the application code in an object-oriented way.
Chapter 4, Working with Layouts and Menus, explains the layout design, toolbars, and menu bars.
Chapter 5, Working with Widgets, helps the developer to know about the various widgets available in the qooxdoo framework.
Chapter 6, Working with Forms and Data, explains form handling and data store support in the qooxdoo framework.
Chapter 7, Testing and Debugging, explains how to test and debug the qooxdoo application, as well as how to fix the identified issues.
Chapter 8, Internationalization, helps the developer to internationalize and localize the qooxdoo application to multiple languages.
Chapter 9, Working with Themes, aids the developer in understanding the theme support in qooxdoo and in designing a custom theme for the application.
Chapter 10, Performance, helps the developer to monitor and improve the performance of the qooxdoo application.
Chapter 11, Miscellaneous, covers a few miscellaneous topics that complete your understanding of qooxdoo.
Appendix, Pop Quiz Answers, contains the answers to all the pop quiz questions for all the chapters.
References: It contains the references used in this book.