Setting up a simple WebRTC video call
The most common WebRTC example application involves setting up a video call between two separate users. Within a few seconds, you can easily see and talk to anyone, anywhere in the world who has one of the one billion or more WebRTC-enabled browsers. Let's take a detailed look at how this can be achieved and create the code we need as we go.
Throughout this book, some simple coding conventions will be used to aid communication and readability.
JavaScript APIs standardized by the W3C and other standards definition organizations will use the conventional camel case format (for example, standardFunctionCall()
Functions and variables that have been defined for this book will use all lowercase strings and replace word breaks or white space with an underscore (for example, custom_function_call()
The web and WebSocket server functionality in this example application will be implemented using JavaScript and Node.js. It is beyond the scope of this book to provide information on how to install and configure Node.js, but all the information you need can be found at http://nodejs.org/.
However, this book does provide you with well-described working Node.js example code that provides all the functionality you need to run the demonstration applications.

A basic peer-to-peer video call using WebRTC