About the Reviewers
Alexander Kellett is a relatively recent convert to the Windows world after many years of Linux and Mac OS X experience. After years of struggling to automate virtual machine deployment on other platforms, PowerShell and Hyper-V are a breath of fresh air. His passions include devops, Clojure (script), cooking, and natural languages.
Roy Verrips has been a system administrator since the mid-nineties for environments that include Novell NetWare, Linux/Unix, Microsoft Windows, and even OS X servers. Starting as far back as 2005, he grasped the advances in system administration that virtualizing allowed, and has since worked extensively on virtualizing servers and workstations using KEMU, VMware, KVM, VirtualBox, and Microsoft Hyper-V.
Roy's work has included virtualizing an OS X VDI environment (http://www.aquaconnect.net/cs-united-christian-church-of-dubai). In 2014, he received a CIO 50 award for virtualizing a luxury hotel's 18 physical servers down to a 3-node Hyper-V cluster (http://www.cnmeonline.com/news/cio-50-awards-2014-full-list-of-winners).
Roy wrote his first batch file when he was 9 years old and has been working in the field of command-line programming ever since, most recently using PowerShell extensively as his preferred utility language.