Mapping with ArcGIS Pro

Sharing your map

By default, ArcPro creates your map in the Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color model, which is designed for display on a screen. We'll discuss color models in more detail in Chapter 5, Picking Colors with Confidence, but for now, let's set this to Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black or Key (CMYK) to prepare our map for a print output:

  1. Right-click outside the virtual page and select Properties.
  2. In general, set the Color Model to CMYK and click OK.
    Since our map is designed in black and white, you probably won't notice much difference on the screen, but your printer will know the difference, and it will give you cleaner blacks and grays on this setting. If you've got a printer set up on your computer, go ahead and print out a copy of your new map.
  3. On the Share tab, select Layout in the Print section. This will open the print dialog box, and you can select your printer and set the number of copies and so on from here. 

No printer? No worries. You can create a PDF to print out later by clicking Layout in the Export section. The default output should be PDF at 300 dpi (set to this if otherwise), so just browse to your folder, name your file, and click Export.

We'll get more into the specifics of designing for the screen in later chapters, but if you want to share this on a web page, PowerPoint presentation, or another digital platform, set the Color Model back to RGB and use Export Layout to create a PNG file which is compatible with most applications.