Assign applications to users and define login information
In the next step, we will assign the LinkedIn application to Don Hall, with the company credentials. Don Hall will not be able to see the credentials. So, if he leaves the company, the credentials are still protected.
Add the LinkedIn application from the application gallery and assign Don Hall to access this application:

Next, we provide valid LinkedIn credentials. If you don't have a LinkedIn account, register a demo one:

If you assign an application to a group, you can decide whether the credentials will be shared:
The following options for working with credential sets are available:
- View with shared credentials: Users can view this just a few seconds after clicking the application. Test it with the Twitter app.
- View with no shared credentials: Users need to add the preferred credentials once. Test it with the Twitter app.
You get the same behavior if you, as the administrator, don't provide the credentials.
Test this behavior with the user account, assign applications to groups, and define login information.