Main email handler
MainEmailHandler() is the primary handler and implements the UniversityEmailHandler interface. The first part of this class contains the processEmailHandler() method, which performs the search of the email text for the keywords assigned to each email handler. The following code shows this:
public abstract class MainEmailHandler implements UniversityEmailHandler {
private UniversityEmailHandler theNextHandlerInTheChain;
public void setNextEmailHandler(UniversityEmailHandler emailHandler) {
theNextHandlerInTheChain = emailHandler;
public void processEmailHandler(String emailText) {
// starting value
boolean keyWordFound = false;
// check for a matching keyword in emailText
if (keyWords().length == 0) {
keyWordFound = true;
} else {
for (String oneKeyWord : keyWords()) {
if (emailText.indexOf(oneKeyWord) >= 0) {
keyWordFound = true; // change value if match is found
break; // leave loop if match is found
Next, we check to determine whether the email can be processed by the current email handler based on the keyword match:
if (keyWordFound) {
} else {
// pass along the chain if the email is not processed
// by the current email handler
The third part of the MainEmailHandler() class contains the handleEmail() method, which takes the email text as a parameter. It then creates instances of each handler:
public static void handleEmail(String emailText) {
UniversityEmailHandler academic = new AcademicEmailHandler();
UniversityEmailHandler alumni = new AlumniEmailHandler();
UniversityEmailHandler advising = new AdvisingEmailHandler();
UniversityEmailHandler finance = new FinanceEmailHandler();
UniversityEmailHandler hr = new HREmailHandler();
UniversityEmailHandler admin = new AdminEmailHandler();
The final part of the MainEmailHandler() class sets up the direction for the chain by making calls to the setNextEmailHandler() method for each of the email handlers except for the last one, AdminEmailHandler(), since that is our catchall email handler:
// setup chain direction
// we do not need to set the next email handler after admin
// because it is the end of the chain of responsibility
// this line will start the chain
protected abstract String[] keyWords();
protected abstract void processEmailFinal(String emailText);
The MainEmailHandler() code provided is the primary handler and contains the processEmailHandler() method, which performs the search of the email text for the keywords assigned to each email handler.