Oracle Siebel CRM 8 Installation and Management

Creating an .ini file for unattended Siebel server installation

When we launch the setup executable for any of the Siebel Enterprise Server components, it reads a file named siebel.ini, which is located in the same directory as the executable itself. This file is preconfigured by Oracle to support manual installation using a graphical user interface (GUI). When we wish to run an unattended installation we have to modify the siebel.ini file. This can be achieved either through manual editing of the file or by executing the Siebel installer in record mode. We will now discuss the latter option.

First, we should make a copy of the original siebel.ini file as a backup.

The next task is to launch the setup executable from the command line similar to the following:

setup –args RECORD=D:\ses_install.ini

This will launch the installer in record mode. The wizard will proceed through the dialogs as usual. We can perform the steps to install a Siebel server as we did during a real installation. Instead of launching the installation at the end of the process, the wizard will display a message indicating that the response file has been generated in the location indicated by the RECORD argument.

The response file is of similar structure as the regular siebel.ini file but it differs from the original file in the following ways:

  • All dialog display parameters are set to "no"
  • The parameter values entered during recording are part of the default sections

It is a good practice to store the response files in a safe location for later use.