
Andrea D'Alessio
Jr., President, D'Alessio Inspired Architectural Designs
French-inspired design beckons from grand images of Versailles Palace to the easy comfort and elegance of Provencal county.
Over the centuries, French art and architecture have influenced and played a leading role in the cultural life of the Western world. From the soaring Gothic and Romanesque architectural details of cathedrals, castles and châteaux to beautifully illustrated manuscripts of the Middle Ages to innovations of the impressionists and cubists to the fashion runways of Paris, French design has influenced the whole world.
What we now call France was originally the land of Gaul when the Romans conquered it in 51-B.C. Today, we still can see Ancient Roman and Greek influence in contemporary French architectural design as well as in the ruins that still stand in Arles, Nîmes, and Paris.
French style has influenced historic figures throughout the centuries from the great Frankish king Charlemagne, a member of the Carolingian family to Catherine the Great of Russia. The 18th-century Empress assimilated French culture and architectural design to many mansions built for the nobility during the Golden Age,l'age de raison.
Thomas Jefferson's home in Virginia, Monticello was influenced by his time serving as minister to France for the United States and it was a French architect Pierre-Charles L'Enfant who supervised Washington DC urban planning. In the late 19th century, Château Style was popularized in the United States.
The curation for this book diligently assembled illustrations showing design innovation, craftsmanship and construction of current French design. Although not French castles or châteaux per se, they were built to be like-inspired by French architectural design. Utilizing distinctive classical French design elements from by-gone eras of Pre and Romanesque, Medieval-Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Second Empire, Beaux Arts, Normandy-Tudor, French County or other revival French styles of the 19th-century Modernism, gives these present-day designs a timeless elegance.
It has been said,“The secret of elegant style is exquisite period details in exacting proportion throughout that maintains the integrity of the whole, yet keeps the construction from being merely a massive structure.”
The contributors' illustrations in this book will give Francophile enthusiasts the chance to discover the secrets for French design style and its defining elements.
美国第三任总统托马斯·杰斐逊位于弗吉尼亚州蒙蒂塞洛的居所的设计灵感来自于他任美国驻法国大使期间在法国所见的建筑;美国首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的城市规划是由法国建筑师Pierre-Charles L'Enfant指导完成的;19世纪末,法式城堡般的建筑设计风格在美国得以推广。