第一章 概论 Chapter One Introduction
绿道的发展史 Development History of Green
世界上第一条真正意义的绿道始建于1867年,是Frederick Law Olmsted设计的美国波士顿公园绿道。而1996年制定完成的《泛欧生态和景观多样性战略》,为欧洲各国协调绿道规划建设提供了基础性框架。经过一个多世纪的理论探索与建设实践,特别是20世纪80年代绿道得名以来,建设绿道成为一个国际运动,在全世界蓬勃发展,世界上有数千个国际、国家和区域层次的绿道项目。绿道系统的规划建设也逐渐成熟和完善,并成为世界各国解决生态环保问题和提高居民生活质量的重要手段。目前,主要发达国家基本上都进行了城市绿道系统建设。
The world's first greenway was constructed in 1867. It was the Boston Public Garden greenway in the United States, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted.The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy,made in 1996 provided a fundamental framework for the greenway construction in various European countries. After one century's theoretical research and constructive practice, especially after the definition of greenway in 1980s, greenway has become an international movement and is developed in fast speed. The world has thousands international, national and regional greenways. The construction of greenway system gradually become mature and improved. It has become a significant measure to enhance civilian's living standard and to solve the ecological and environmental issues.

The greenway construction in China was carried out in a late start. In China, the construction of greenway started after The Pearl River Delta Greenway Network Master Plan Outline, which was sanctioned by Guangdong province in 2010. The beginning of greenway construction in Guangdong province was mainly constructions inside landscapes. Most of the greenways were implemented in the outer areas of cities where is easier for the construction. There is an inevitable task following the openning of the greenways. Despite the high quality of greenways, they are not convenient for civilians to access, thus causes low frequency of usage. However, the greenways located inside the cities near the neighborhoods are very popular among the civilians.

After 2010, more and more cities started to realize that greenway has great positive influence on cities' development. Greenway has gradually become the favor of city construction, and has been developing rapidly in China. By the end of 2014, the total greenway construction has reached almost 10,950 km. The expected total length is 50,000 km. The cities have newly constructed greenway from the earliest 9 cities in Pearl River Delta in Guangdong to Beijing, Hebei, Fujian and over 60 cities in other provinces. Although the provincial greenway construction in domestic greenway has gained remarkable results, however, there are still some problems compared with the greenway system overseas, such as the issues of connectivity, continuity, accessibility, services and other problems about human-oriented design. These are key elements for constructing a good greenway system, and are also the important points that should be enhanced in the future greenway in China.
Currently, there are a large number of research achievement and publishment on theoretical analysis of greenway in China and other countries. However, research on users' needs and human-oriented designs in greenway are not sufficient, thus, specific technologies and detail designs are not widely known in China. This book introduces the design measures, which are mainly based on ITDP's greenway planning and constructing experience domestically and internationally, and researches on international detail designing. These measures do not fully cover all design methods of greenway, but those are relatively rare in China. They are easy for implementation and cost-saving. They also fit the current situation in China and have effective results. Therefore, they have realistic significance on enhancing the safety, convenience and accessibility of greenway. We hope that these design measures can be widely utilized on the greenway construction in China, and help our country to make greenway more attractive.