Section 3 在飞机上
31. 飞机起飞前乘客必须关闭手机。
Passengers should power off cell phones before the plane
takes off.
power off关机
take off 起飞
A: Passengers should power off cell phones before the plane takes off. 飞机起飞前乘客必须关闭手机。
B: Sorry. I’ll turn it off right now. 对不起。我马上就关机。
● 飞机起飞前请关闭手机。Please turn off your mobile phone before the plane takes off.
● 请确认您的手机已关闭。Please make sure that your cell phone has been powered off.
32. 乘客不允许在机舱内抽烟。
Passengers are not allowed to smoke in the cabin.
A: Can I smoke here? 我能在这儿抽烟吗?
B: Sorry. Passengers are not allowed to smoke in the cabin. 对不起。乘客不允许在机舱内抽烟。
● 所有国内班机都禁止吸烟。All domestic flights are nonsmoking.
● 您在国内的任何班机上都不能抽烟。You can’t smoke on any domestic flights.
● 国内所有班机禁止吸烟。Smoking is prohibited on all domestic flights.
be allowed to do sth. 允许做某事
cabin 机舱
33. 一定要系好安全带。
Make sure to fasten your seat belt.
A: Do I have to keep my seat belt on at all times? 我需要一直系着安全带吗?
B: Yes. Make sure to fasten your seat belt. 是的。一定要系好安全带。
● 你能告诉我怎么系安全带吗? Can you tell me how to fasten the seat belt?
● 安全带在哪儿? Where are the safety belts?
● 我得一直系着安全带吗? Do I have to keep the belt fastened all the time?
● 什么时候才能解开安全带? When can I unfasten the safety belt?
fasten系牢 seat belt 安全带 unfasten 解开
34. 打扰了。请问13L在哪里呢?
Excuse me. Where is 13L located?
● Excuse me. Where is seat 13L?
A: Excuse me. Where is 13L located? 打扰了。请问13L在哪里呢?
B: Let me see. It’s in the third row near the window. 我看看。它在第三排靠窗户的位置。
35. 我想那是我的位置。
I think that’s my seat.
A: I think that’s my seat. 我想那是我的位置。
B: Sorry, I will find my seat. 抱歉,我去找我的位置。
36. 你坐在我的位子上了。
You’re sitting in my seat.
A: You’re sitting in my seat. The seat is 5C. 你坐在我的位子上了。这个座位是5C。
B: Oh really? I’m sorry. 哦,是吗? 我很抱歉。
● 不好意思。你坐到我的位子了。Excuse me. You have my seat.
● 我想那是我的座位。I think that’s my seat.
● 恐怕您坐错位置了。I’m afraid you are on the wrong seat.
37. 我想您坐了我的位置。
I think you’re sitting on my seat.
● I guess my seat is taken.
● I guess my seat is occupied.
A: Sorry, sir. I think you’re sitting on my seat. 不好意思,先生。我想您坐了我的位置。
B: Let me see. Oh, I’m sorry. My mistake. My seat is 30L. I’ll move now. 我看看。噢,抱歉。我看错了。我的座位应该是30L才对。我现在就移座位。
38. 您介意和我换位置吗?
Would you mind trading seats with me?
trade 交换
A: Would you mind trading seats with me? 您介意和我换位置吗?
B: No, not at all. 不,不介意。
● 我可以跟你换位子吗? Can I change seats with you?
● 能和我们换个座位吗? Would it be possible for us to trade seats?
你知道吗 mind表示“介意”,“介意做某事”可以使用mind doing sth. 这个短语来表达。如I don’t mind helping you fasten your safety belt.(我不介意帮您系安全带)。
39. 我能把靠走廊的位置换到靠窗位吗?
Can I change my aisle seat to a window seat?
A: Can I change my aisle seat to a window seat? 我能把靠走廊的位置换到靠窗位吗?
B: Sorry, we do not have any window seats remaining. 不好意思,没有靠窗的位置了。
40. 我是否可将座位向后放倒?
May I recline my seat?
A: May I recline my seat? That will be more comfortable. 我是否可将座位向后放倒? 那样舒服些。
B: Sure. That’s OK. 当然。没有问题。
● 请竖直椅背好吗? Could you put your seat up, please?
你知道吗 recline的意思是“使向后倾斜”,也可以用lower the back of the seat表示。
41. 我可以把我的行李放在这里吗?
Can I put my baggage here?
A: Can I put my baggage here? 我可以把我的行李放在这里吗?
B: Sorry. You must put it up there. 抱歉。你必须把它放到上面。
42. 上面的置物箱都满了;我该把行李放哪呢?
The overhead compartments are all full; where can I put my baggage?
compartment 置物箱
A: What can I do for you? 您需要帮忙吗?
B: The overhead compartments are all full; where can I put my baggage? 上面的置物箱都满了;我该把行李放哪呢?
● 您可以将行李放在上面的置物箱里。You can put the baggage in the over-head compartments.
● 我的行李怎么办呢? What can I do with my baggage?
43. 还有别的地方放我的包吗?
Is there anywhere else I can put my bag?
A: Is there anywhere else I can put my bag? 还有别的地方放我的包吗?
B: Wait a moment, let me check. 请稍等,让我找找。
44. 我会查查还有没有地方可以放。请您在此等候。
I will check to see if there is an empty one. Please wait right here.
A: All the overhead compartments seem to be full. Is there anywhere else I can put my bag?
B: I’m sorry about this. I will check to see if there is an empty one. Please wait right here.
A: All right.
Boarding and Seating
Kate: Excuse me; but can you help me? I think there’s a problem with my seat.
Windy: Yes, of course. What’s the problem?
Kate: Well, my boarding pass says seat 13L, but there is somebody sitting in the seat. Could you check it for me?
Windy: No problem.
Windy: Excuse me, sir. May I see your boarding pass please?
Tom: Is anything wrong?
Windy: This is 13L. I think it belongs to this lady.
Tom: Let me see. Oh, I’m sorry. My mistake. My seat is 30L. I’ll move now.
Kate: Thank you for your help. By the way, could you help me with my carry-on luggage? All the overhead compartments seem to be full. Is there anywhere else I can put it?
Windy: I am really sorry about this. I will check to see if there are empty overhead compartments anywhere. If you’d like, you can also place your bag under the seat in front of you.
Kate: Could you please see if there is an overhead cabinet for me first?
Windy: Sure. Wait right here. I will be right back.
凯特:不好意思;可以请您帮忙吗? 我想我的座位有问题。
凯特:谢谢您帮忙。顺便问一下,您能帮我放一下行李吗? 行李架上似乎都已经满了。还有别的地方可以放吗?
1.I think there’s a problem with my seat?
登机以后,如果想调整座位的角度,和周围的乘客提前打声招呼是比较礼貌的做法,这时就可以说:Do you mind if I recline my seat? 这里recline是指“使躺下,使斜倚”,recline my seat就是调整自己的位置到舒适的程度。
2.By the way, could you help me with my carry-on luggage?
在飞机上,需要乘务人员帮忙放行李时,还可以这样说:Can I put my baggage here?(我能把行李放这儿吗?)