Group 4
例 In her later years, Bertha Pappenheim was an apostle of noble but already anachronistic notions, always respected for her integrity, her energy, and her resolve but increasingly out of step and ultimately alienated from even her own organization. ——GRE OG, Practice Test 1, Section 3: Verbal Reasoning
记 ana-chron-ist-ic
chron=time,如“chronological”(按时间顺序的)(GRE No. 9-6, Section B)
-ist:名词后缀,表示“……主义者,……的专家”,如“militarist”(军国主义者)(GRE No. 9-1, Section B)
-ic:形容词后缀,表示与“与……有关的,……的”,如“geographic”(地理的)(GRE No. 6-1, Section A)
例 A computer simulation based on this theory has reproduced the appearance of many spiral galaxies without assuming an underlying density wave, the hallmark of the most widely accepted theory of the large-scale structure of spiral galaxies.——GRE No.7-3, Section B
记 ac-cept-ed
ac-=ad-=a-=to,如“achieve”(实现)(GRE No. 9-3, Section B)
cept=take,如“perceptibly”(显然地)(GRE No. 7-1, Section B)
-ed:形容词后缀,如“gifted”(有天赋的)(GRE No. 3-2, Section A)
例 These explorer-photographers documented the West that their employers wanted to see:an exotic and majestic land shaped by awesome natural forces, unpopulated and ready for American settlement.——GRE 1999年4月,Section B
记 exo-tic
exo-=outside,如“exogamy”(外族通婚)(GRE No. 4-3, Section B)
-ic, -tic:形容词后缀,表示“与……有关的,……的”,如“magnetic”(有磁性的)(GRE No. 5-3, Section A)
emulate [ˈemjʊleɪt] v.仿真;模仿;尽力赶上;同……竞争
记 emul-ate
-ate:动词后缀,其名词形式是-ation,如“stimulate”(刺激)(GRE No. 4-2, Section A)
appreciate [əˈpriːʃɪeɪt] v.欣赏;感激;领会;理解;增值
例 The case of Verdi is a different one: he took a popular genre—bourgeois melodrama set to music (an accurate definition of nineteenth-century opera)—and, without altering its fundamental nature, transmuted it into high art. This remains one of the greatest achievements in music, and one that cannot be fully appreciated without recognizing the essential trashiness of the genre. ——GRE No. 9-3, Section B
记 ap-preci-ate
ap-=ad-=to,如“appeasement”(缓和,平息)(GRE No. 3-2, Section B)
preci=price,如“precious”(宝贵的)(GRE No. 8-3, Section A)
-ate:动词后缀,其名词形式是-ation,如“originate”(起源)(GRE No. 8-3, Section A)
alienate [ˈeɪlɪəneɪt] v.使疏远,离间;让与——alienate from 使疏远;使脱离;离间
请参照Unit 2, Group 3该词条复习
In her later years, Bertha Pappenheim was an apostle of noble but already (i) ______notions, always respected for her integrity, her energy, and her resolve but increasingly out of step and ultimately (ii) ______even her own organization.——GRE OG, Practice Test 1, Section 3: Verbal Reasoning