“Even the title has got it right!”
—Norman R. Augustine, President (retired), Lockheed Martin Corporation
“The most truthful, straight-talk book on managing people to come along in eons. This is an exceptional tool for business.”
—Harvey MacKay, author of Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive
“One of the very best organized, thought out, planned, and written books on any business subject I have read.”
—Stanley Bass, Human Resources Consultant, Stan Bass Consulting
“An excellent read; it certainly confirms my real-life experience of progress over time at Verizon.”
—Mike Steiner, Director, Enterprise Solutions Group, Verizon
“Finally, the truth about empowerment!”
—Jack Canfield, coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul
“This book is now standard for all our managers. You can't succeed today without empowered employees.”
—John Shields, Chairman and CEO, Trader Joe's
“The principles outlined are essential if you are to achieve true empowerment.”
—H. Eugene Blattman, President & CEO (retired), McCormick & Company, Inc.
“The message is clear, to the point, and right on target.”
—Joseph Bode, Joseph J. Bode & Company
“I found the book was to the point and hit the nail on the head about information sharing.”
—Robert S. Argabright, II, President and General Manager (formerly), Chesapeake Packaging Company
“Succinctly captures the critical elements of empowerment in a brilliantly simple format!”
—Peter B. Grazier, President, Teambuilding, Inc.
“The authors show that empowerment is more than an empty promise. A must-read for liberating the leader within people.”
—Barry Z. Posner, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge
“The framework is perfect, clear, and concise.”
—JoAnne Pitera, Organizational Effectiveness Consultant
“The material is most readable, and the key points are presented well for retention and use.”
—Mike Perry, Human Resources Director, DuPont Corporation
“Very readable. Straightforward. The authors have hit the bull's eye on empowerment.”
—John Coleman, CSX Corporation
“Empowerment is such an important topic. The great thing about this book is that it supplies a Game Plan for getting there.”
—Bruce Dalgleish, General Mills Restaurants
“Finally, the definitive book on empowerment and productivity, profound but simple to implement.”
—Shaun Conroy, VP Sales & Customer Service, NewsWest
“I could not agree more with what this fantastic little book says about how mistakes empower people. Indeed, every ‘misteak' is an opportunity to increase competence and empowerment.”
—John C. Maxwell, author of Failing Forward
“If you seriously want to unleash the people power of your organization, this book is a must. Simple and profound; all you add is courage and discipline, and you'll find it really works.”
—Tom Muccio, President, Global Customer Teams, Procter & Gamble
“This engaging book makes clear that the real power in an organization is within its people. By learning to release that power an organization can be a powerful force in the business world.”
—Mark Robbins, Director, Professional Development, Robbins-Gioia, Inc.
“It's a fun read and the principles are spot on!”
—James M. Kouzes, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge