William G. Arnold worked with the Department of Defense for 34 years, more than 25 of which he spent in financial management. He has held positions as director of resource management, director of disbursing, and entitlements director with the Air Force and Defense Finance and Accounting Service. He is a certified defense financial manager with acquisition specialty (CDFM-A) from the American Society of Military Comptrollers. In 1984, he was awarded the designation of certified cost analyst (CCA) by the Institute of Cost Analysis.
Mr. Arnold holds a Master of Arts degree in financial management from Central Michigan University. For many years, he taught undergraduate classes in economics and finance at Park University, Parkville, Missouri.
Mr. Arnold is currently an instructor with Management Concepts. Course topics include an appropriations law seminar, appropriations law for business operations, the Antideficiency Act, budget execution, the Prompt Payment Act, voucher examination, performance budgeting, and enhanced defense financial management. Mr. Arnold is the author of The Appropriations Law Answer Book, The Antideficiency Act Answer Book, The Prompt Payment Act Answer Book, and Performance Budgeting: What Works, What Doesn’t, all published by Management Concepts.