A: Excuse me! Are you Mr. Smith from Chicago International Trading Corporation?
B: Yes. I am.
(Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith. My name is Li Mei. I'm the sales manager of Nanchang Xinhua Trading Company. I'm here to meet you.)
B: How do you do, Ms. Li?
(How do you do, Mr. Smith? Welcome to Nanchang!)
B: Thank you. It's very kind of you to come to meet me at the airport, Ms. Li.
(It's my pleasure. I hope you will have a nice stay here.)
B: Thank you. I am sure I will.
(Our car is just expecting us outside there. Do you need to get back your luggage?)
B: Yes.
(Here comes the car. Shall we go and talk on the way to the hotel? Is this your first visit to Nanchang?)
B: Yes. Actually, it's my first time here.
(Here we are. You can have a rest in the hotel and I will pick you up at six o'clock for the reception banquet in your honor and will give you an account of tentative itinerary then.)
B: OK, thank you for your thoughtful arrangement. See you later.