Lesson One
Key Verbs 关键动词:
accept 接受,容忍,接纳,采纳
access 进入,上(网),取得,获得
accompany 陪伴,陪同,伴随,附有
If you are free,maybe you'd like to come to a small party I'm planning for my birthday.It should be fun.You'll get to know lots of young people.
——Sounds great.I'd very much love to accept your invitation.Thanks a lot,when?
I should think the normal period will be enough.Now how do you prefer the postage and the photocopy fees to be paid?
——We accept both cash and credit card,but it will be such a small sum.It might be more convenient to send us a money order.
My BMI is over 30?You can tell me I'm fat directly.I know I'm fat.I don't mind because I accept the fact.
——You really have a good attitude.But you still have to be careful.It's not about your beauty,but about your health.
I can't believe it!Is it real?You're moving to our city?
——I haven't accepted the position yet and with the upcoming holiday I think it's the perfect chance to visit the city and take a look at the company before deciding.If you have time I think we could get together.
Can I use your Internet Banking to make transfer and payment?
——Yes,our Internet Banking provides services including enquiry,transfer,payment and settlement.You can access your account round the clock,even on weekends.
David,do you often access the Internet at home?
——Yes,I do.I often browse some interesting web sites,read emails and respond to my friends.Sometimes,I will chat with them on Wechat or LinkedIn.
Nowadays people can access the Internet with computers to get information they need easily.
Yeah,it's so convenient.You can do nearly everything at home with your computers.
Your cat is sleeping on the sofa.How cute!
I like being accompanied by the kitty when I'm watching TV.
She will come soon accompanied by her mother.
She's grown up.I'd rather she should decide all the things by herself and not rely on her mother's decision.
As you know,lighting is caused by clouds discharging electricity.
——Yes,lighting is usually accompanied by thunder.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
invitation邀请;normal period通常的一段时期;postage and photocopy fees邮寄费和复印费;a small sum一笔小数目;convenient方便的;money-order汇票;BMI(body mass index)体重指数;good attitude很好的态度;beauty美丽;real真实的;position职位;upcoming即将到来的;perfect完美的,完好的;to get together聚一聚;Internet Banking网上银行;inquiry(enquiry为英国拼法)问讯;to transfer汇款,转款;settlement清算,结账;round the clock一天24小时;to browse(用鼠标)浏览;to respond to回复,回应;to chat on Wechat用微信聊天;LinkedIn领英;how cute!好可爱呀!;kitty猫咪;to be grown up已长大成人;to rely on her mother's decision还要妈妈做主,还要依赖妈妈的主意;lighting闪电;to be caused by由……造成;to discharge electricity放电;thunder雷声
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
网上银行现在很流行(popular),如果你在网上银行开一个账号(to open an account),它可以给你提供多种服务,比如转账、支付、结算。如果你要进行网上购物,你可以在网上选好你所购的东西,用网上银行来支付。如果你要支付电费、水费、煤气费(charges for electricity,water and gas),你也可以通过网上银行来转账(to make transfer)。但是网上银行不是提款机,它不能存入和提取现金。你要取现,你还得去找提款机。
拥有(to hold)一张信用卡购物很方便。几乎所有超市和大百货商场(department store)都接受信用卡,当然你也可以用现金支付。因此,我们去超市或百货商场购物就不用带现金了。如果你带了大量现金(a large sum of money)去购物,你跟你的朋友一起购物,那就没有问题。如果你单独(alone)去购物,你就会很危险。当你付现金的时候小偷(thief)就会跟着你。所以购物时带上你的信用卡和少量现金,就会很安全(safe)。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
As every Chinese holiday is accompanied by some sort(类型)of special food.On the Mid-Autumn Festival,people eat moon cakes.A moon cake is a kind of cookie with fillings(馅)of sugar,sesame(芝蔴),beans(豆),walnut(核桃),lotus seeds(莲子),the yoke of preserved eggs(腌蛋黄),ham or other materials.Originally,moon cakes were a family tradition(习俗).But gradually they began to appear at markets and stores.The moon cakes made in various parts of the country have different flavors(风味).So don't forget to taste all the delicious moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Banks are usually open from 9:30a.m to 3:30p.m.Some are open on Saturday,but never on Sundays.They will accept credit cards,Euro checks(欧洲支票),traveler's checks and,of course,cash.A few British banks have special arrangements(安排)with overseas banks for overseas credit cards to withdraw cash through their ATM.You should check with your bank.There are many exchange stores(兑换店)on streets.They usually offer good exchange rates.They often charge a much bigger commission(佣金)than banks.You should always check the commission before you use an exchange store.