Since China's“Reform and Opening-up”, one factor that caused China's continuous high-speed economic growth is the“demographic dividend”which is caused by the“Golden Age”of China's demographictransition on age structure. However, with the diminishing effect of the“demographic dividend”, the aging of population is becoming a new challenge. This book applied comprehensive empirical studies on the policy goal of“deepening reform and opening-up”and“building awell-off society inan all-round manner”which is proposed in the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party(CPC), on the basis of the understanding of the post demographic transition as shown in the scale, quality and structural changes of Chinese population. More specifically, this study focuses on the topics such as the relationship between aging changes of workers and the“demographic dividend”, the relationship between aging population and“middle income trap”, the relationship between the recent shortage of workforce and the policy goal of doubling income in 2020, the relationship between the“securing growth rate with structural improvement” and urbanization, the relationship between thedemographic development strategy and the sustainable development environmental resources.
This book is divided by eight parts. In the first part of this book, it discusses about the how to take the opportunity of the restarting of reforms which is proposed in the Third Plenary Session of the 18th National Congress of the CPC. In the second through the sixth parts, this book discusses about the demographic transition strategy and the choosing of population policies based on the study of age distribution of workforce, as well as the changes in aging population and urban population. In the last two parts, it explains how population issues affect the long-term development of China, that is, the strategies of promoting the China's development through education and sustainable development.