Capital: The Shining Classic with Timeless Truth
Abstract: Karl Marx is a world giant who will never be forgotten in history. His masterpiece, Capital, is a timeless classic. To compose Capital, Karl had explored and studied more than 1500 books and numerous newspapers and periodicals, taking notes that filled 250 notebooks which still exist today. For the first part of the second volume of this masterpiece, Karl had produced manuscripts as many as eight versions. He devoted most of his life to studying on and writing about capitalism. Capital has been translated into more than 70 languages with sales totaling 2 billion copies around the world since published. Its historical status has been acknowledged world wide, because Capital has pioneered in multiple domains of socio-economics and politics: For the first time, it clarified the objectives of political economics study; for the first time, it established logical starting point of political economics; for the first time, it created the scientific methodology of political economics; and for the first time, it offered a thorough analysis of the development of capitalism from its origin, status quo and future. Capital contributes scientific values with its critical, revolutionary and scientific spirit. Amazingly, we can still see its light of truth and its power of vitality after 150 years of transitions of time and space.
Keywords: Marx; Capital; Historical Status; Scientific Values