Technology services can be provided by science and technology service industry as same as technology service industry platform, so the study of science and technology service can be not only from the industry level but also from the platform level. In addition, the development of science and technology service is faced with the problem of the development from the macro environment, micro environment problems such as ensuring service quality and efficiency alsohave to be faced, so the study of science and technology service should also be studied from the macro level and micro level. Another, as a service, science and technology service also have to faced with the problem of create a service brand, so the study of science and technology service should also be studied from the brand level. what environment affect the development of science and technology service mainly include legal environment, market environment, policy environ-ment, cultural environment, social environment, public facilities environment, human resource environment, investment environment, etc.
This book studies the aspects of industry of science and technology service industry classification, characteristic, function, development strategy, as well as the significance of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits cooperation in the science and technology services, foundation and idea from the industry level; studies the production of the service platform of science and technology, function, construction, operation, etc., from the platform level; studis the effect of government funding for enterprise R&D from the macro level empirical research, summarizes the domestic developed provinces and cities and overseas developed countries experience and supporting policies for the development of science and technology service, puts forward the safeguard measures to promote the development of science and technology services; constructs the index system to evaluate the service quality of science and technology using the SERVQUAL model, SERVPERF scale evaluation method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method from the microscopic level, and studies the path of the service quality improvement of science and technology. This part reaserches the function, construction, spread and maintenance of science and technology service brand on the brand level.