47 base on; base upon; build on; build upon; found on; found upon; ground on; ground upon; repose on
● 这个8个动介型词组均表“基于”“以……为基础”,可用于被动语态。
● base on和base upon侧重强调“以……为基础”。两者可互换。如:Alice always bases her opinion on the facts.(艾丽斯的意见一向是以事实为依据的。)Direct taxation is usually based upon income.(直接税收,通常是以收入为根据的。)The play is based upon a novel by Graham Greene.(这个剧是根据格雷厄姆·格林的一本小说改编的。)The Chancellor is basing his trading forecast on figures for the past five years.(国务大臣是根据五年来的数字对贸易作出预测的。)
● build on, build upon可以互换,其后可跟名词、代词、ing分词等作宾语。如:His argument is built on facts.(他的论据是以事实为基础的。)I’ve built all my hopes on this book being published.(我寄一切希望于这本书的出版上了。)What sort of life would we build on such foundation?(在那种基础上我们能创造出什么样的生活来呢?)The new building, built on the site of the one destroyed by fire, is one of the largest office building in the world.(这栋新大楼就建在那栋被大火焚烧的楼房旧址上,它是世界上最大的办公大楼之一。)
● found on和found upon可互换,它们的含义和用法又和base on, base upon一样,可换用。如:Laws are founded [based] on human experience.(法律是以人类实践经验为依据的。)She founded [based] her claim on facts.(她根据事实提出自己的要求。)His opinion is not founded [based] upon evidence.(他的观点不是以事实为依据的。)The theory is founded [based] upon firm evidence.(这个理论是根据确凿的证据创立的。)
● ground on侧重指建立在牢固的基础上,较base on更强调基础,但可与base on, base upon换用。如:The insurance business is grounded [based] on trust.(保险业务以信为本。)His argument is grounded [based] upon a series of wrong assumptions.(他的论点建立在一系列的错误假想的基础上。)The government claimed that its policies were grounded [based] on the realities of the situation and not on wishful thinking.(该政府声称其政策的根据是现实情况,而不是主观愿望。)You should ground [base] you conclusions upon facts.(你应当根据事实作出结论。)
● found on; found upon与ground on; ground upon一般也可换用。
● repose on多用于书面语中表示“基于”之意。如:The committee’s decision reposes on the chairman’s vote.(委员会的决定取决于主席的一票。)The truth of my argument reposes on my honesty.(我观点的正确在于我的诚实。)Ideas should not repose on unsupported facts.(看法不应建立在未经证实的论据上。)The system reposes on the exploitation of the people.(那种制度建立在剥削人民的基础上。)