第9章 Lesson 8: A Day with Grandpa
I like it when Grandpa comes to visit. He always does amazing things with us. Today he said he was going to make a bird feeder!
First, Grandpa took out a pine cone and a bag of birdseed. He told me to get some peanut butter and put it all over the pine cone. Then he told my sister to roll the pine cone in the birdseed.
Next, Grandpa tied a strong string around the pine cone. We went outside and walked to a tree in the backyard. Grandpa tied the pine cone to a branch.
We waited. Soon a bird came and pecked at the pine cone! Grandpa said it was a sparrow. Later, a beautiful blue bird came to get some seeds. Grandpa said it was a blue jay. It was exciting. We like watching birds with Grandpa.
I. Word List
amazing: great, wonderful, hard to believe
pine cone: a cone-shaped fruit from the pine tree
string: long, thin material for tying things together
pecked: hit or bite with a beak
II. Who did it? Tell which person did these things in the story.
1. __________ took out a bag of birdseed.
2. __________ got some peanut butter.
3. __________ rolled the pine cone in the birdseed.
4. __________ tied a strong string around the pine cone.
5. __________ said the bird was a blue jay.
III. How about you? Answer these questions about yourself.
1. The writer likes doing with his/her Grandpa. Is there a relative you like to do things with? Who is it?
2. Do you sometimes see birds near your home? Do you know what kind of birds they are?
3. Would you like to try making a bird feeder? Why or why not?
4. Tell about something you made at home with someone in your family.
IV. Words that rhyme—Find words in the story that rhyme with these words.
1. word—b _ _ _ 4. true—b _ _ _
2. mine—p _ _ _ 5. weeds—s _ _ _ _
3. bring—s _ _ _ _ _ 6. free—t _ _ _