第512章 CHAPTER X(51)
Fitzwilliam, Oct. 5, 1687. As it has been suspected that Burnet, who certainly was not in the habit of underrating his own importance, exaggerated the danger to which he was exposed, Iwill give the words of Lewis and of Johnstone. "Qui que ce soit,"says Lewis, "qui entreprenne de l'enlever en Hollande trouvera non seulement une retraite assuree et une entiere protection dans mes etats, mais aussi toute l'assistance qu'il pourra desirer pour faire conduire surement ce scelerat en Angleterre." "The business of Bamfield (Burnet) is certainly true," says Johnstone.
"No man doubts of it here, and some concerned do not deny it. His friends say they hear he takes no care of himself, but out of vanity, to show his courage, shows his folly; so that, if ill happen on it, all people will laugh at it. Pray tell him so much from Jones (Johnstone). If some could be catched making their coup d'essai on him, it will do much to frighten them from making any attempt on Ogle (the Prince)."FN 264 Burnet, a. 708.; Avaux Neg., Jan. 3/13 Feb. 6/16. 1687;Van Kampen, Karakterkunde der Vaderlandsche Geschiedenis.
FN 265 Burnet, i 711. Dykvelt's despatches to the States General contain, as far as I have seen or can learn, not a word about the real object of his mission. His correspondence with the Prince of Orange was strictly private.
FN 266 Bonrepaux, Sept. 12/22 1687.
FN 267 See Lord Campbell's Life of him.
FN 268 Johnstone's Correspondence; Mackay's Memoirs; Arbuthnot's John Bull; Swift's writings from 1710 to 1714, passim; Whiston's Letter to the Earl of Nottingham, and the Earl's answer.
FN 269 Kennet's funeral sermon on the Duke of Devonshire, and Memoirs of the family of Cavendish; State Trials; Privy Council Book, March 5. 1685/6; Barillon, June 30/July 10 1687; Johnstone, Dec. 8/18. 1687; Lords' journals, May 6. 1689. "Ses amis et ses proches," says Barillon, "lui conseillent de prendre le bon parti, mais il persiste jusqu'a prasent a ne se point soumettre.
S'il vouloit se bien conduire et renoncer a etre populaire, il ne payeroit pas l'amende, mais s'il opiniatre, il lui en coutera trente mille pieces et il demeurera prisonnier jusqu'a l'actuel payement."FN 270 The motive which determined the conduct of the Churchills is shortly and plainly set forth in the Duchess of Marlborough's Vindication. "It was," she says, "evident to all the world that, as things were carried on by King James, everybody sooner or later must be ruined, who would not become a Roman Catholic. This consideration made me very well pleased at the Prince of Orange's undertaking to rescue us from such slavery."FN 271 Grammont's Memoirs; Pepys's Diary, Feb. 21. 1684/5.
FN 272 It would be endless to recount all the books from which Ihave formed my estimate of the duchess's character. Her own letters, her own vindication, and the replies which it called forth, have been my chief materials.
FN 273 The formal epistle which Dykvelt carried back to the States is in the Archives at the Hague. The other letters mentioned in this paragraph are given by Dalrymple. App. to Book V.
FN 274 Sunderland to William, Aug. 24. 1686; William to Sunderland, Sept. 2/12 1686; Barillon, May 6/16 May 26/June 5Oct. 3/13 Nov 28/Dec 8. 1687; Lewis to Barillon, Oct. 14/24 1687:
Memorial of Albeville, Dec. 15/25. 1687; James to William, Jan.
17. Feb. 16. March 2. 13. 1688; Avaux Neg., March 1/11 6/16 8/18March 22/April 1 1688.
FN 275 Adda, Nov. 9/19. 1685.
FN 276 The Professor of Greek in the College De Propaganda Fide expressed his admiration in some detestable hexameters and pentameters, of which the following specimen may suffice:
Rogerion de akepsomenos lamproio thriambon, oka mal eissen kai theen ochlos apas thaumazousa de ten pompen pagkhrusea t' auton armata tous thippous toiade Rome ethe.
The Latin verses are a little better. Nahum Tate responded in English "His glorious train and passing pomp to view, A pomp that even to Rome itself was new, Each age, each sex, the Latian turrets filled, Each age and sex in tears of joy distilled."FN 277 Correspondence of James and Innocent, in the British Museum; Burnet, i 703- 705.; Welwood's Memoirs; Commons' Journals, Oct. 28. 1689; An Account of his Excellency Roger Earl of Castelmaine's Embassy, by Michael Wright, chief steward of his Excellency's house at Rome, 1688.
FN 278 Barillon, May 2/12 1687.
FN 279 Memoirs of the Duke of Somerset; Citters, July 5/15. 1687;Eachard's History of the Revolution; Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 116, 117, 118.; Lord Lonsdale's Memoirs.
FN 280 London Gazette, July 7. 1687; Citters, July 7/17 Account of the ceremony reprinted among the Somers Tracts.
FN 281 London Gazette, July 4. 1687.
FN 282 See the statutes 18 Henry 6. C. 19.; 2 & 3 Ed. 6. C. 2.;Eachard's History of the Revolution; Kennet, iii. 468.; North's Life of Guildford, 247.; London Gazette, April 18. May 23. 1687;Vindication of the E. of R, (Earl of Rochester).
FN 283 Dryden's Prologues and Cibber's Memoirs contain abundant proofs of the estimation in which the taste of the Oxonians was held by the most admired poets and actors.
FN 284 See the poem called Advice to the Painter upon the Defeat of the Rebels in the West. See also another poem, a most detestable one, on the same subject, by Stepney, who was then studying at Trinity College.
FN 285 Mackay's character of Sheffield, with Swift's note; the Satire on the Deponents, 1688; Life of John, Duke of Buckinghamshire, 1729; Barillon, Aug. 30. 1687. I have a manuscript lampoon on Mulgrave, dated 1690. It is not destitute of spirit. The most remarkable lines are these:
Peters (Petre) today and Burnet tomorrow, Knaves of all sides and religions he'll woo.
FN 286 See the proceedings against the University of Cambridge in the collection of State Trials.
FN 287 Wood's Athenae Oxonienses; Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber; Citters, FN March 2/12 1686.
FN 288 Burnet, i. 697.; Letter of Lord Ailesbury printed in the European Magazine for April 1795.
FN 289 This gateway is now closed.