第48章 Chapter (1)
Spirit of the tories -- assassination of lieutenant Marion --the murderer murdered -- Marion's reflections on the death of his nephew --his manner of rewarding extraordinary courage among his men --sketch of the brave boy Gwinn.
"If mortal hands thy peace destroy, Or friendship's gifts bestow, Wilt thou to man ascribe the joy --To man impute the woe?
'Tis GOD, whose thoughts for wisest ends The human lots dispose;Around thee plants assisting friends, Or heaps chastising foes.
Not from the BOW the deaths proceed, But from the ARCHER'S skill, He lends the winged shaft its speed And gives it power to kill."And here I must relate a tragical affair that befell us that day, and which filled us all with grief, because of our beloved general.
I mean the barbarous murder of his nephew. Of all men who ever drew the sword, Marion was one of the most humane. He not only prevented all cruelty, in his own presence, but strictly forbade it in his absence.
I have known him to talk for a quarter of an hour together, with one of his men, for striking over the head, a horse that had started, and to punish another for taking away from a negro, his ragged chicken.
To reason then like men, one would suppose that he was the last person on whom such a cruel blow as the murder of a favorite nephew should have fallen. But thanks to God, for that most comfortable doctrine, that not even a sparrow can die until his death-warrant has been signed in heaven; and, since this young man DID die at that time, there can be no doubt but that was the RIGHT time.
The manner of his death was this. We have told the reader, that, in the course of this day's fighting, we retook from the tories four of Marion's Men, whom they had very barbarously beaten with the butts of their guns. On being asked how they came to fall into such bad company, they said, that immediately after sending me off, in the morning, Marion got information that a party of tories were encamped not far distant, on a plantation of colonel Alston's, called "The Penns". Captain M---- was despatched to surprise them;but he played his cards so badly, that, instead of surprising THEM, they surprised HIM, killed several of his men, and took the others.
Among the prisoners was the general's nephew, lieutenant Gabriel Marion, of the continentals, who, happening at that time on a visit to his uncle, turned out a volunteer, and was taken. The tories murdered several of their unfortunate prisoners in cold blood, by first beating them over the head with the butts of their muskets, and then shooting them. They said that lieutenant Marion, at sight of such horrid scenes, appeared much shocked: and seeing among them a man who had often been entertained at his uncle's table, he flew to him for protection, and threw himself into his arms.
The man seemed greatly distressed, and tried hard to save him; but the others roared out, that "he was one of the breed of that d----d old rebel,"and that they would have his heart's blood. They, moreover, swore, with the most horrid oaths, that if the man did not instantly push young Marion from him, they would blow him through also.
The unfortunate youth being then thrust from the side of his friend, was immediately destroyed.
I hope the tender mercies of God are so great as not to let our unworthiness prevent him from always doing what is exactly right and good for us.
We ought not, therefore, to breathe a wish different from the will and order of Providence. But still, to us, it seems a great pity we did not get notice of captain M----'s advancing. We could have made a handsome joint attack of it, and thereby not only have prevented the horrid murders above related, but have scourged those barbarians, as they deserved. For we heard the firing, but thought it was colonel Alston's people killing beeves.