Letters on England


Neither the English nor any other people have foundations established in favour of the polite arts like those in France.

There are Universities in most countries,but it is in France only that we meet with so beneficial an encouragement for astronomy and all parts of the mathematics,for physic,for researches into antiquity,for painting,sculpture,and architecture.Louis XIV.

has immortalised his name by these several foundations,and this immortality did not cost him two hundred thousand livres a year.

I must confess that one of the things I very much wonder at is,that as the Parliament of Great Britain have promised a reward of 20,000pounds sterling to any person who may discover the longitude,they should never have once thought to imitate Louis XIV.in his munificence with regard to the arts and sciences.

Merit,indeed,meets in England with rewards of another kind,which redound more to the honour of the nation.The English have so great a veneration for exalted talents,that a man of merit in their country is always sure of making his fortune.Mr.Addison in France would have been elected a member of one of the academies,and,by the credit of some women,might have obtained a yearly pension of twelve hundred livres,or else might have been imprisoned in the Bastile,upon pretence that certain strokes in his tragedy of Cato had been discovered which glanced at the porter of some man in power.Mr.Addison was raised to the post of Secretary of State in England.Sir Isaac Newton was made Master of the Royal Mint.Mr.

Congreve had a considerable employment.Mr.Prior was Plenipotentiary.Dr.Swift is Dean of St.Patrick in Dublin,and is more revered in Ireland than the Primate himself.The religion which Mr.Pope professes excludes him,indeed,from preferments of every kind,but then it did not prevent his gaining two hundred thousand livres by his excellent translation of Homer.I myself saw a long time in France the author of Rhadamistus ready to perish for hunger.And the son of one of the greatest men our country ever gave birth to,and who was beginning to run the noble career which his father had set him,would have been reduced to the extremes of misery had he not been patronised by Monsieur Fagon.

But the circumstance which mostly encourages the arts in England is the great veneration which is paid them.The picture of the Prime Minister hangs over the chimney of his own closet,but I have seen that of Mr.Pope in twenty noblemen's houses.Sir Isaac Newton was revered in his lifetime,and had a due respect paid to him after his death;the greatest men in the nation disputing who should have the honour of holding up his pall.Go into Westminster Abbey,and you will find that what raises the admiration of the spectator is not the mausoleums of the English kings,but the monuments which the gratitude of the nation has erected to perpetuate the memory of those illustrious men who contributed to its glory.We view their statues in that abbey in the same manner as those of Sophocles,Plato,and other immortal personages were viewed in Athens;and I am persuaded that the bare sight of those glorious monuments has fired more than one breast,and been the occasion of their becoming great men.