That's a good girl. She had dark red cheeks like this when she was a little girl, Mrs. Lee. She looked like some queer foreign kind of a doll.
I've never forgot the first time I saw you in Mieklejohn's store, Marie, the time father was lying sick. Carl and I were talking about that before he went away.""I remember, and Emil had his kitten along.
When are you going to send Emil's Christmas box?""It ought to have gone before this. I'll have to send it by mail now, to get it there in time."Marie pulled a dark purple silk necktie from her workbasket. "I knit this for him. It's a good color, don't you think? Will you please put it in with your things and tell him it's from me, to wear when he goes serenading."Alexandra laughed. "I don't believe he goes serenading much. He says in one letter that the Mexican ladies are said to be very beauti-ful, but that don't seem to me very warm praise."Marie tossed her head. "Emil can't fool me.
If he's bought a guitar, he goes serenading.
Who wouldn't, with all those Spanish girls dropping flowers down from their windows!
I'd sing to them every night, wouldn't you, Mrs. Lee?"The old lady chuckled. Her eyes lit up as Marie bent down and opened the oven door.
A delicious hot fragrance blew out into the tidy kitchen. "My, somet'ing smell good!" She turned to Alexandra with a wink, her three yel-low teeth making a brave show, "I ta-ank dat stop my yaw from ache no more!" she said con-tentedly.
Marie took out a pan of delicate little rolls, stuffed with stewed apricots, and began to dust them over with powdered sugar. "I hope you'll like these, Mrs. Lee; Alexandra does. The Bohemians always like them with their coffee.
But if you don't, I have a coffee-cake with nuts and poppy seeds. Alexandra, will you get the cream jug? I put it in the window to keep cool.""The Bohemians," said Alexandra, as they drew up to the table, "certainly know how to make more kinds of bread than any other peo-ple in the world. Old Mrs. Hiller told me once at the church supper that she could make seven kinds of fancy bread, but Marie could make a dozen."Mrs. Lee held up one of the apricot rolls between her brown thumb and forefinger and weighed it critically. "Yust like-a fedders,"she pronounced with satisfaction. "My, a-an't dis nice!" she exclaimed as she stirred her coffee. "I yust ta-ake a liddle yelly now, too, I ta-ank."Alexandra and Marie laughed at her fore-
handedness, and fell to talking of their own affairs. "I was afraid you had a cold when Italked to you over the telephone the other night, Marie. What was the matter, had you been crying?""Maybe I had," Marie smiled guiltily.
"Frank was out late that night. Don't you get lonely sometimes in the winter, when every-body has gone away?"
"I thought it was something like that. If Ihadn't had company, I'd have run over to see for myself. If you get down-hearted, what will become of the rest of us?" Alexandra asked.
"I don't, very often. There's Mrs. Lee without any coffee!"Later, when Mrs. Lee declared that her powers were spent, Marie and Alexandra went upstairs to look for some crochet patterns the old lady wanted to borrow. "Better put on your coat, Alexandra. It's cold up there, and Ihave no idea where those patterns are. I may have to look through my old trunks." Marie caught up a shawl and opened the stair door, run-ning up the steps ahead of her guest. "While Igo through the bureau drawers, you might look in those hat-boxes on the closet-shelf, over where Frank's clothes hang. There are a lot of odds and ends in them."She began tossing over the contents of the drawers, and Alexandra went into the clothes-closet. Presently she came back, holding a slender elastic yellow stick in her hand.
"What in the world is this, Marie? You don't mean to tell me Frank ever carried such a thing?"Marie blinked at it with astonishment and sat down on the floor. "Where did you find it?
I didn't know he had kept it. I haven't seen it for years.""It really is a cane, then?"
"Yes. One he brought from the old coun-
try. He used to carry it when I first knew him.
Isn't it foolish? Poor Frank!"
Alexandra twirled the stick in her fingers and laughed. "He must have looked funny!"Marie was thoughtful. "No, he didn't, really.
It didn't seem out of place. He used to be awfully gay like that when he was a young man. I guess people always get what's hard-est for them, Alexandra." Marie gathered the shawl closer about her and still looked hard at the cane. "Frank would be all right in the right place," she said reflectively. "He ought to have a different kind of wife, for one thing. Do you know, Alexandra, I could pick out exactly the right sort of woman for Frank--now.
The trouble is you almost have to marry a man before you can find out the sort of wife he needs; and usually it's exactly the sort you are not. Then what are you going to do about it?"she asked candidly.
Alexandra confessed she didn't know.