On the 5th of December,both these ships sailed again;and on the 16th and 17th of the month (just before the author sailed for England)they and the 'Britannia'and 'William and Anne'returned to Port Jackson without success having experienced a continuation of the bad weather and seen very few fish.They all said that their intention was to give the coast one more trial,and if it miscarried to quit it and steer to the northward in search of less tempestuous seas.
The only remark which I have to offer to adventurers on the above subject,is not to suffer discouragement by concluding that bad weather only is to be found on the coast of New South Wales,where the whales have hitherto been seen.Tempests happen sometimes there,as in other seas,but let them feel assured that there are in every month of the year many days in which the whale fishery may be safely carried on.
The evidence of the abundance in which spermaceti whales are sometimes seen is incontrovertible:that which speaks to their being 'not fish of passage'is at least respectable and hitherto uncontradicted.
The prospect merits attention--may it stimulate to enterprise.
The two discoveries of Port Jervis and Matilda Bay (which are to be found in the foregoing sheets)may yet be wanting in the maps of the coast.
My account of their geographic situation,except possibly in the exact longitude of the latter (a point not very material)may be safely depended upon.A knowledge of Oyster Bay,discovered and laid down by the 'Mercury'store-ship,in the year 1789,would also be desirable.But this I am incapable of furnishing.
Here terminates my subject.Content with the humble province of detailing facts and connecting events by undisturbed narration,I leave to others the task of anticipating glorious,or gloomy,consequences,from the establishment of a colony,which unquestionably demands serious investigation,ere either its prosecution or abandonment be determined.
But doubtless not only those who planned,but those who have been delegated to execute,an enterprise of such magnitude,have deeply revolved,that "great national expense does not imply the necessity of national suffering.While revenue is employed with success to some valuable end,the profits of every adventure being more than sufficient to repay its costs,the public should gain,and its resources should continue to multiply.But an expense whether sustained at home or abroad;
whether a waste of the present,or an anticipation of the future,revenue,if it bring no adequate return,is to be reckoned among the causes of national ruin."
[Ferguson's Essay on the History of Civil Society.]
A list of the Civil and Military Establishments in New South Wales Governor and Commander in Chief,His Excellency Arthur Phillip,Esq.
Lieutenant Governor,Robert Ross,Esq.
Judge of the Admiralty Court,Robert Ross,Esq.
Chaplain of the Settlement,the Rev.Richard Johnson.
Judge Advocate of the Settlement,David Collins,Esq.
Secretary to the Governor,David Collins,Esq.
Surveyor General,Augustus Alt,Esq.
Commissary of Stores and Provisions,Andrew Miller,Esq.
Assistant Commissary,Mr.Zechariah Clarke.
Provost Martial,who acts as Sheriff of Cumberland County,Mr.Henry Brewer.
Peace Officer,Mr.James Smith.
His Majesty's Ship 'Sirius',John Hunter,Esq.Commander.
His Majesty's armed Brig,'Supply',Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball,Commander.
Major Robert Ross,Commandant.
James Campbell,John Shea,Captain Lieutenants,James Meredith,Watkin Tench.
George Johnson,John Johnson,John Creswell,James Maltland Shairp,Robert Nellow,Thomas Davey,James Furzer,Thomas Timins,John Poulden.
Ralph Clarke,John Long,William Dawes,William Feddy.
Adjutant,John Long.
Quarter Master,James Furzer.
Aide de Camp to the Governor,George Johnson.
Officer of Engineers and Artillery,William Dawes.
Surgeon General of the Settlement,John White,Esq.
First Assistant,Mr.Dennis Considen.
Second Assistant,Mr.Thomas Arndell.
Third Assistant,Mr.William Balmain.