第59章 Irving’s Bonneville - Chapter 21(1)
Schemes of Captain Bonneville--The Great Salt Lake--Expedition to exploreit--Preparations for a journey to the Bighorn CAPTAIN BONNEVILLE now found himself at the head of a hardy, well-seasoned andwell-appointed company of trappers, all benefited by at least one year's experienceamong the mountains, and capable of protecting themselves from Indian wiles andstratagems, and of providing for their subsistence wherever game was to be found. Hehad, also, an excellent troop of horses, in prime condition, and fit for hard service. Hedetermined, therefore, to strike out into some of the bolder parts of his scheme. One ofthese was to carry his expeditions into some of the unknown tracts of the Far West,beyond what is generally termed the buffalo range. This would have something of themerit and charm of discovery, so dear to every brave and adventurous spirit. Anotherfavorite project was to establish a trading post on the lower part of the Columbia River,near the Multnomah valley, and to endeavor to retrieve for his country some of the losttrade of Astoria.
The first of the above mentioned views was, at present, uppermost in his mind--theexploring of unknown regions. Among the grand features of the wilderness about whichhe was roaming, one had made a vivid impression on his mind, and been clothed by hisimagination with vague and ideal charms. This is a great lake of salt water, laving thefeet of the mountains, but extending far to the west-southwest, into one of those vastand elevated plateaus of land, which range high above the level of the Pacific.
Captain Bonneville gives a striking account of the lake when seen from the land. Asyou ascend the mountains about its shores, says he, you behold this immense body ofwater spreading itself before you, and stretching further and further, in one wide andfar-reaching expanse, until the eye, wearied with continued and strained attention,rests in the blue dimness of distance, upon lofty ranges of mountains, confidentlyasserted to rise from the bosom of the waters. Nearer to you, the smooth and unruffledsurface is studded with little islands, where the mountain sheep roam in considerablenumbers. What extent of lowland may be encompassed by the high peaks beyond,must remain for the present matter of mere conjecture though from the form of thesummits, and the breaks which may be discovered among them, there can be littledoubt that they are the sources of streams calculated to water large tracts, which areprobably concealed from view by the rotundity of the lake's surface. At some future day,in all probability, the rich harvest of beaver fur, which may be reasonably anticipated insuch a spot, will tempt adventurers to reduce all this doubtful region to the palpablecertainty of a beaten track. At present, however, destitute of the means of makingboats, the trapper stands upon the shore, and gazes upon a promised land which hisfeet are never to tread.